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Icons and Prototypes

I created these for a project earlier this year involving the recycling company, Caicla AB, and had a very short time span to do so. I was in charge of designing the graphical elements as well as prototypes that my group was supposed to pitch to the company, among other things, at the end of a university course we took. They ended up being happy with the work that we did for them. I drew a huge portion of the graphical elements by hand (all of them in the first and second image), the two main exceptions being the tree and house which I picked from Google and traced over as well as recoloured so I could meet the hectic deadline for the presentation. Some icons were reused from their official website like in image 3, 4, and the video. I edited them together in Photoshop and also used Illustrator and After Effects.

As for the video prototype, I had to reuse a bunch of assets to give a short example of what kind of social media content the company could have on their Facebook profile.

Caicla, Hur Fungerar Det? Prototype